Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (244 - 246 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#75 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Add support for lxlite

For linking Qt and Qt apps, we are stuck to WLINK (ILINK is bogus and cannot handle so many exports as QtGui? has). WLINK is not capable of doing EXE/DLL compression which results into big executables and DLLs even in release builds.

The obvious solution is to use LXLITE to compress the generated EXE and DLL files. LXLITE support must be added to the qmake framework to make its usage fully transparent for the developers.

#85 Dmitry A. Kuminov wontfix QProcess: Support P_SESSION

Currently, the necessary P_SESSION and P_DETACH functionality in QProcess is implemented using workarounds which proxy the calls through "cmd.exe /c" (see #72). This is done so because kLIBC 0.6.3 doesn't support P_SESSION and P_DETACH.

Later, we plan to apply a patch to kLIBC that adds support for these execution modes and make use of them in QProcess. This defect is to track this plan.

#86 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed File open dialog tries to access drive A:

A user reports that Qt tries to access his drive A: every time he opens a file open dialog. My guess is that it tries to read the root directory which takes too much time and makes too much noise if there is no disk in drive A:. Similar thing should happen to drive B:

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