Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (235 - 237 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#302 ak120 invalid qmake no longer works after yum update

By updating a system with yum, qmake no longer works. Output: sh.exe: 1: cd: can't cd to c:Projektqtkapow-

#303 Silvan Scherrer fixed convert qmake.conf to have it working in a non cmd shell env

I had to change qmake.conf a bit to have it working in a pure rpm env. and this env is as we all know not cmd shell based. the

    QMAKE_MKDIR         = || mkdir -p

change is a bit hackish, but as we lack isDosShell() in qmake, it's the only solution to have install targets working. I also attach my qmake.conf for reference.

#304 guzzi duplicate RPM package libqt4 contains old version of qtnet4.dll

The RPM package needs to be updated with the qtnet4.dll from

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