Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#97 chennecke wontfix Fonts: too small size and character spacing

If the recommended font Workplace Sans is installed, many dialogs are barely readable because of small font display and too small font spacing.

#101 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Use DIVE to speed up blitting in QRasterWindowSurface

We may want to try to use DIVE to speed up flushing the widget's raster buffer to screen in QRasterWindowSurface::flush().

Currently we use GpiDrawBits?() for this purpose which is not very optimal since the image bits aren't likely to go directly to the video memory in this case.

We also may provide a custom QWindowSurface that allocates widget buffer directly in video memory (I recall DIVE should allow this).

#102 KO Myung-Hun fixed DBCS fonts and font association


On DBCS OS/2, 2 special fonts are supported. They are 'WarpSans? Combined' and 'Helv Combined' in 'PS55GUI.FDR'.

Fortunately, these two combined fonts are supported by Qt4 because I can see the text of menu of SMPlayer in Korean.

The font for menu text is 'Helv Combined'. But icon text and window text in Korean are not displayed. The font for them is 'WarpSans? Combined'.

I know, Qt 4 does not support bitmap fonts. So 'WarpSans?' is replaced with 'Workplace Sans' But 'Workplace Sans' does not include any DBCS glyphs. As a result, any Korean texts are not displayed at all.

So I think, you should not replace 'WarpSans?' with 'Workplace Sans' if it is 'WarpSans? Combined'.

In addition, DBCS OS/2 has a special feature. It is 'Font Association'. That is, if a specified font does not include a glyph for a specific codeset, OS/2 load that glyph from the associated font.

Primarily, this is used when DBCS chars need to be displayed on a program using SBCS fonts only.

For DBCS users, I think, this feature is very important.

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