Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#71 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed QProcess::startDetached() doesn't work

Since P_DETACH isn't supported by kLIBC's spawnvpe(), QProcess::startDetached() that relies on that doesn't work. This needs to be fixed, possibly by calling DosExecPgm? directly.

#73 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Implement custom cursor shapes

This task includes creating QCursor objects from QPixmap and QBitmap. Currently, QCursor only supports a subset of its standard cursor shapes that exist on OS/2. Other standard cursor shapes will be internally created from QBitmap as in Qt3.

#78 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Make binary builds portable

Currently, Qt binaries (in particular, qmake.exe and QtCore4*.dll) have hard-coded paths in them that refer to various locations (e.g. include directory or plugin directory). This makes it impossible to distribute the Qt library in the binary form (for example, in order to provide a fast-to-deploy development environment that uses the officially distributed Qt libraries, tools and DLLs which makes it possible to distribute Qt DLLs separately from each Qt application and at the same time avoid DLL hell).

In particular, qmake uses these hard-coded paths when generating the Makefiles so if the Qt library root is changed (moved, renamed) an attempt to build an application will fail because include and library files will still be searched at the old location (whose path is built into qmake.exe).

In case of QtCore4.dll and its hard-coded paths, the potential problem is locating the Qt plugins that are by default searched at the hard-coded location that points inside the 'plugins' subdirectory of the Qt library root.

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