Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#46 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Test socket notifiers

Socket notifiers must be tested under heavy conditions (primarily large data transfers) to make sure they work correctly.

#47 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Test timers

Timers must be tested under heavy conditions (primarily, many active at a time) to make sure they work correctly.

#48 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Enable MMX/SSE

The Qt4 painting engine makes usage of various MMX/3DNow and SSE/SSE2 extensions on platforms which support it. These extensions seem to be accessed through the inclusion of <mmintrin.h>, <mm3dnow.h>, <xmmintrin.h> and <emmintrin.h> headers provided by the platform's compiler.

GCC for OS/2 doesn't have these headers. This ticket is to investigate where to get them and how to adopt to our compiler.

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