Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#172 Silvan Scherrer fixed Update to Qt 4.6.3

Update the Qt code base to the upstream version to 4.6.3 from Nokia.

#183 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Shift + numpad arrow keys produces numbers

Reported by Alex Tailor in

Attempting to mark text in any QT text control using Shift + the keypad navigation keys results in numbers being printed instead. (In other words, Shift has the effect of simulating NumLock? instead of marking.)

This rather unfortunately makes it difficult to effectively use QT text controls...

Using 4.6.2.

I can confirm that.

#187 Silvan Scherrer fixed Crash when clicking on a list's header

open the file open dialoge in details view and click on the headers. this will crash qt in qtgui4.dll

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