Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#131 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Suppress hardware errors if AUTOFAIL is missing from CONFIG.SYS

There's already been some discussion about whether we should issue DosError?(FERR_DISABLEHARDERR) or not upon Qt initialization. Back then, I decided that we should not. Now I think that we may satisfy all parties by doing this call if there is no explicit AUTOFAIL setting in CONFIG.SYS which will:

  1. Disable these annoying error notification dialogs on systems where it is implicitly on by default (i.e. no AUTOFAIL setting in CONFIG.SYS, which is equivalent to AUTOFAIL=NO). This is the case for old Warp installations.
  2. Won't change the behavior on modern eCS systems which put AUTOFAIL=YES in CONFIG.SYS by default.
  3. Let people that want these notifications have them by explicitly putting AUTOFAIL=NO to CONFIG.SYS.

This thread contains some recent discussion on this topic.

#136 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed QtScript module does not build

I've just discovered that the QtScript? module does not build. It depends on the JavaScriptCore? module from WebKit? (included in src/3rdparty) but that module is apparently not tailored for the OS/2 platform. This needs to be solved -- QtScript? is used in many parts.

#137 rudi fixed QDirModel shows phantom drive B:

Using a QDirModel to list all drives shows an empty line (apparently a placeholder for floppy drive B:). See attachment...

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