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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#105 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Division by zero in svghandler.cpp

The SVG module has a function, pathArc() defined in source:/trunk/src/svg/qsvghandler.cpp that uses its arguments as divisors w/o checking if they are zero or not.

This function is a reason why e.g. mp3diags traps. First of all, mp3diags somehow supplies a wrong SVG file to QIcon which contains these invalid zero arguments (this needs to be investigated, I suspect it's an OS/2 specific bug). Then, this function causes SIGFPE (which is originally XCPT_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION) because of division by zero.

The obvious fix is to replace

    rx = qAbs(rx);
    ry = qAbs(ry);

at around #1285 in svghandler.cpp to

    rx = qAbs(rx);
    ry = qAbs(ry);
    if (rx == 0 || ry == 0)

I didn't commit this fix though. This code is in the Qt code base for so long that it would definitely be fixed if it made problems on other platforms (it's very easy to create an invalid .svg to cause zero arguments to be passed in there). But it is still not fixed (see which means that for some reason it doesn't make any problems anywhere except OS/2.

#107 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Provide WPI archives for runtime and development bundles

Now, after we implemented the portability feature for the binary builds (#78), we may create WPI archives of the runtime distribution and the development distribution of the Qt library. This will greatly simplify the life for end-users and for developers wishing to create/port Qt applications on OS/2.

#110 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Upgrade to GCC 4

We should move to GCC 4 ASAP (thanks to Paul for providing the builds) because GCC 3.3.5 is waaaay to old out of life (GCC 4 includes tons of very nice fixes).

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