Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (277 - 279 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#88 Dmitry A. Kuminov Silvan Scherrer fixed Qt 4.6

move to 4.6 code base

#94 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Implement proper modal window handling

This in particular includes implementing QWidgetPrivate::setModal_sys().

Currently, some applications may show weird behavior (wrong window z-order and even traps). Therefore, a must for Beta 4.

#98 chennecke fixed Fonts: codepage handling

Special characters in the text of, e.g., menus and dialogs is currently displayed wrongly. See screenshot. This not only applies to text displayed with Workplace Sans but also other fonts.

I guess the solution would be to either use Unicode fonts or implement a codepage conversion. Given the implications of the first, I'd prefer the latter solution.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.