Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (244 - 246 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#308 Alex Taylor wontfix Glyph substutition does not work for certain character sets.

In principle, when rendering Unicode text, characters that are not supported by the current font will be substituted from a font which does support them. (Whether Qt4 does this via fontconfig or something else I'm not certain.)

This does work for many languages, including Cyrillic, Hebrew and Greek. However, it does not work with some other languages, in particular Japanese and Chinese: all relevant characters are rendered with the font's .notdef glyph.

Consequently, when reading text that includes such languages, it is necessary to set the font explicitly to one which supports those languages. Unfortunately, not all applications allow this (especially web browsers which use page-defined fonts).

You can easily see this by opening a page like in the Arora browser. The list of languages down the left-hand side shows several with substituted characters (specifically: Georgian, Korean, Japanese and Chinese).

#310 Alex Taylor fixed Debug build configuration looks for nonexistent libraries

Switching a Qt4 project to debug mode with

CONFIG += debug console

causes build to fail with the error message

weakld: cannot open library file '<path>\QtGuid_s.a'

which is caused by the generated Makefile line

LIBS = -Le:\usr\lib -lQtGuid -lQtCored

A search both locally and using 'yum provides' indicates that no library named QtGuid* exists anywhere.

Changing the above Makefile line to specify -lQtGui4 and -lQtCore4 allows build to complete, although presumably debug traces within the Qt4 runtime itself will not be possible.

#80 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Child widgets are sometimes not redrawn

There is one more redraw problem I found. This problem may be seen if a top-level window that contains a combobox is dragged by holding the title bar with the left mouse button while the drop-down list of the combobox is open. The list will disappear after the mouse button press but the appearance of the combobox will remain as if the list is still open (in particular, the list button will remain sunken and the focus will not go back to the line editor).

If, while still holding the mouse button at the title one will move a part of the window containing the combobox partly offscreen and then move it back onscreen, he will see that the part of the combobox that was offscreen will be properly redrawn but not the rest.

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