Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (238 - 240 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#299 Silvan Scherrer wontfix QLocalSever

It seems as QLocalServer never emits the newConnection() signal. At least receiveConnection() is never executed. It should be executed, when the signal newConnection() (at line 131 you see the connect to it) is seen.

#300 David McKenna wontfix YUM QT4 package does not include updated QTNet4.dll

There was an updated QTNet4.dll created to allow use of https: connections that is not included in the YUM install. I don't see a link to it on this page either, but there is a link on the QT4 apps page. Would be nice to add it to the YUM install.

#301 ak120 wontfix With Firefox beta 7 no online help from Qtlinguist

When latest firefox fork (beta7) is running it's no longer possible to access the online help from help menu in qt linguist application. The help window appears but the left panel doesn't populate correctly and this window closes very soon automatically. By closing firefox everything works as usual.

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