Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (235 - 237 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#295 Hansi58 invalid More and more newer qt4 applications do not work

Never versions of qt4 applications do not work anymore. The older versions still do. For example there is qedit which is running in version 2.6.6. As with version 2.6.7 I received that stdcpp6.dll could not be found. Here I found three tickets for this problem and so I installed libstdc++6 and libsupc++6 (via yum). The stdcpp6.dll problem is gone but now there is response "Killed by SIGABRT pid=0x0064 ppid=0x0062 tid=0x0001 slot=0x00a5 pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001 E:\DOWNLOADS\QEDIT-2.6.7-OS2\QEDIT.EXE" Other qt4 applications which do not run anymore:

  • SMPLAYER-14_3_0_BUILD1
  • QPDFVIEW-0_4_10_GA

Older versions of these are still working. Thanks for your help.

#297 KO Myung-Hun wontfix icon corruption


If some icons, maybe 24-bits or 32-bits icons are used, a default icon of a program is corrupted. That is, an icon of a program listed in a folder on WPS is corrupted.

I investigated this problem, and found the causes. They were compressions. Compression is done by two steps in linking stage. One is QMAKE_RUN_RC2EXE, the other is QMAKE_EXEPACK.

If removing -x2 from QMAKE_RUN_RC2EXE and exepack from CONFIG, the problem has gone.

However, without lxlite, the size of .exe and/or .dll is much bigger. So swapping the order of QMAKE_RUN_RC2EXE and exepack is helpful. That is, compress .exe and/or .dll with lxlite, then embed .res to .exe and/or .dll without compression.

Although a whole size is a little bigger, but when porting Windows programs, icons will not be corrupted.

#298 KO Myung-Hun fixed QFileSystemModel::directoryLoaded() signal passes a drive root as x: not x:/


When connecting directoryLoaded() signal, a drive root is passed to a slot as x: not x:/.

Actually, x:/ is passed on Qt for Windows.

For example, see the following code snippets.

    QFileSystemModel* model = new QFileSystemModel;
    connect(model, SIGNAL(directoryLoaded(QString)),
            this, SLOT(directoryLoaded(QString)));


    QTreeView *treeView = new QTreeView;

And if a current directory is x:/path/to/dir, then slot directoryLoaded() receives a directory in this order.

  1. x:
  2. x:/path
  3. x:/path/to
  4. x:/path/to/dir

However, on Windows

  1. x:/
  2. x:/path
  3. x:/path/to
  4. x:/path/to/dir

I think, Windows is right. Because x: is not a fully-qualified path and it means a current directory of x: drive.

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