Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (232 - 234 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#288 KO Myung-Hun duplicate Implement WM_QUERYCONVERTPOS


I've implemented WM_QUERYCONVERTPOS fully, and attach the patch.

Review, please.

#289 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Fix plugin load failures

Qt core caches plugin information once it tries to load a Qt plugin. If, at this time, the plugin cannot be loaded (i.e. due to missing dependencies among DLLs), an entry saying that the plugin is invalid will be stored in the cache (and taken from there next time the plugin is loaded). This cache is not updated until the plugin DLL timestamp changes (or the cache is manually cleared). As a result, even if later all DLL dependencies are satisfied, Qt will still refuse to use it giving a message like "The file XXX.DLL is not a valid Qt plugin."

This is completely wrong and needs to be fixed. It's a generic Qt problem.

The workaround for this problem is to manually clear the cache entry for the plugin which is stored in %HOME%/.config/Trolltech.ini or just delete this file completely - it will be recreated next time a Qt application starts.

#294 Silvan Scherrer wontfix QtDBus

we should consider also supporting QtDBus, as I see more and more apps using it. Of course it can be deactivated during the port, but we loos the functionality then.

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