Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (229 - 231 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#285 Silvan Scherrer wontfix Characterset Problems

Following up to the above... the WPSU header reports support for the specific Greek codepages 1253 and 869. That is actually correct, because it /does/ support all the Greek characters in those codepages.

Something in QT4 (possibly Pango?) is somehow drawing the conclusion that WPSU supports the entire Greek Unicode block, which is wrong. Whether it's basing that conclusion on the fact that those two codepages are supported, or because it checks the font for some particular character (or range of characters), I don't know.

see also comment:7 and later

#286 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Qt Creator startup hangs giving 100% CPU load

This is with the current SVN (r1144).

#287 Silvan Scherrer KO Myung-Hun fixed Drive letter is removed in a file dialog


If you open a file using a file dialog, then opening a file again, its drive letter is removed. This occurs when opening a file on the same drive as HOME env var.

For examples, if HOME is f:/path/to/home and a opened file is f:/path/to/file, path/to/file is displayed in 'Look in:' field of a file dialog.

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