Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (223 - 225 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#278 Silvan Scherrer fixed Qwidget setWinIcon()

the above function doesn't work as expected. It sets the icon the first time ok, but when a app wants to change the icon later it doesn't work. The reason is, that in qwidget.cpp setWindowsIcon() the iconPixmap is deleted which is ok. But then in qwidget_pm.cpp setWindowsIcon_sys() it has a if for iconPointer. As this wasn't deleted earlier it's still available and so the new icon is not set.

#280 KO Myung-Hun wontfix An activated window is placed behind a deactivated window


When opening 'Preferences' window of vlc, it is placed a behind a main window.

You can reproduce this as the following.

  1. Run vlc 2.0.4
  2. Select [Media - Open Network Stream...] to open a dialog window
  3. Press ESC to close a dialog window
  4. Select [Tools - Preferences]

Now, you can see the attached image.

#281 jep invalid QT Creator refuse to start

Installed QT4 with yum + gcc etc. yum install libqt4 yum install libqt4-gui yum install libqt4-webkit yum install libqt4-sql-mysql yum install libqt4-sql-psql yum install qt4-demos yum install qt4-devel-kit yum install qtcreator unzipped the two additional packages (AStyle and QMLDesigner)*

When I click the Icon, the message appear that core.dll is not a valid plugin.

*Doesn't matter, it still fail.

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