Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (217 - 219 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#267 rudi fixed SSL verification fails

We have a regression in the SSL handling in 4.7.3. When accessing

with the ARORA or QUPZILLA browsers, a complaint about not being able to verify the certificates is shown. The reason for that is, that starting with 4.7.3 QtNetwork? no longer contains "qt-ca-bundle.crt" as resource. Instead, it tries to retrieve the certificates from the OS. On Windows, Symbian and MacOS there are specific APIs for this task. On plain Unix certain directories (/etc/ssl/certs/, /usr/lib/ssl/certs/ ...) are searched. OS/2 completely lacks an implementation.

Do we have a global file system location for storing SSL certificates on OS/2 eCS ? Generally the idea of not including these into the QtNetwork? DLL is a good as it removes the need of updating when a certificates get added or revoked ( see ). Any ideas ?

#270 rudi wontfix QT_BUILD_KEY contains unnecessary flags

Our QT_BUILD_KEY contains a bunch of QT_NO_xxx flags that lead to bogus plugin version incompatibility errors. The build key should only contain flags that affect the ABI. We should not include things like QT_NO_IMAGEFORMAT_xxx.

#272 tellie duplicate Flash for Qt broser

Is it possible to get flash support for the QT browser. I ported Qupzilla and wouls like to get flash working also in the Qt browser. I asked porter and he says: qtwebkit is loading netscape plugins ... and as i said before, it is looking for them in default system directories so i guess there must be some #if code to support looking for OS/2 directories

Can we make this to get work ?

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