Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (214 - 216 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#263 andib fixed qt4-linguist, help does not work

Selecting help in qt linguist starts qt assistant which then shows following error -

The page could not be found


#265 rudi fixed REXX errro in runmapsym

Changeset 1100 introduced a REXX error.

#266 Silvan Scherrer invalid waitForFinished() doesn't work

I think there is a problem with waitForFinished() in 4.7

Scribus fails when trying to check if Ghostscript exists:

The code snippet is: bool testGSAvailability( const QString& gsPath ) { fprintf(stderr,"testGSAvailability( const QString& gsPath )\n");

QStringList args; args.append( "-h" ); QProcess proc;

qDebug() << gsPath; qDebug() << getShortPathName(gsPath);

proc.start(getShortPathName(gsPath), args);

if (!proc.waitForStarted(5000))

return false;

proc.waitForFinished(5000); return (proc.exitCode()==0);

} gsPath is e:/gs/gs8.71/bin/gsos2.exe and args = -h

proc.waitForFinished(5000) never returns. when I add a debug printf before and after it, only the first one prints...

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