Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (202 - 204 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#241 Dmitry A. Kuminov wontfix Move PM extensions to a separate DLL

There is a number of extensions to PM APIs (search for qt_Win*) that don't belong to Qt -- they are pure PM functions not using any Qt data types or structures that can be useful for other applications as well, as they mostly fix what we consider PM bugs.

Having them all together as a separate DLL is good because breaks the dependency on the Qt DLLs and their fancy names (so it may be easily used by non-Qt programs).

#242 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Filter out ".." for root directories

Not sure, if I should open a ticket for that but it's something we already discussed. Some (but not all (!)) file systems on OS/2 report a (hidden) ".." entry in root directories. In case of Creator this allows the user to change up to the drive list. On Windows this is not possible and I'm not 100% sure that this scenario is correctly handled by Creator. In order to achieve consistent behavior, I modified foldernavigationwidget.cpp to not allow changing to "My computer". However, I still think we should filter out ".." for root directories in the lower level file system code...

#244 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed qmake generates incorrect QMAKESPECDIR

Given that the binary Qt build is in "D:\Coding\qt4\qt4-build-rel" and the application source tree is in "D:\Coding\qt4.tests", running "qmake D:\Coding\qt4.tests" in the directory "D:\Coding\qt\qt4.tests-bin-os2" correctly gives us this:

QMAKESPECDIR = "..\..\..\CODING\QT\QT4-BUILD-REL\mkspecs\os2-g++"

If the application build tree is in "D:\Coding\qt\ports\1", then we get this:

QMAKESPECDIR = "..\..\..\qt4.tests\CODING\QT\QT4-BUILD-REL\mkspecs\os2-g++"

which is completely incorrect.

This makes it impossible to have Qt in an arbitrary path.

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