Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#228 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed qmake: Add .sym file generation

It is useful to have .sym files for all .DLLs and .EXEs since they allow to reconstruct the execution flow of a crashed application from the process dump file which is useful for analyzing crashes happening on the end user side.

The .sym files should be also read by the IBM debuggers to show the symbols when stepping through the release version of the application (that does not have debugging info built in). Although it doesn't always work (I couldn't find why so far) it's better than nothing.

#229 rudi fixed Double quoting for RES file dependency

For some reason we now have quotes around the $(RES_FILE) dependency.

$(call q,$(DESTDIR_TARGET)): tmp\uic\release-shared ... $(OBJECTS) $(call q,$(DEF_FILE)) "$(call q,$(RES_FILE))"
	lxlite /B- /L- /CS $@

#231 rudi fixed Problem creating multiple QFilesystemWatchers

When QT Creator starts up, the following message appears:

QOS2FileSystemWatcherEngine:: DosOpen?(\PIPE\XNOTIFY) returned 231

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