Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#212 rudi fixed UIC produces double carriage returns when using a pipe

UIC has a problem when it's output is redirected. Obviously there is a double text mode conversion in effect. So that:

UIC somefile.ui -o outfile.h

is not the same as:

UIC somefile.ui > outfile.h
#214 rudi fixed make process hangs when compiling .rc file

When an RC_FILE is specified in the project, QMAKE creates a call to compile resources. It looks like this:


In some cases %INCLUDE% gets too long for CMD.EXE (or RC.EXE ?) so that the build process will hang. Why do we need %INCLUDE% here at all ? In Windows this is not done either. When using the MinGW tool chain, only "." is specified to the "windres" tool and when using MSVC, they pass %DEFINES% and leave %INCLUDE% untouched.

#216 rudi fixed Sytem menu icon missing

When an image that doesn't have any transparency is set as window icon for a toplevel widget, the PM icon for the system menu is not created. This is due to the fact, that WinCreatePointerIndirect?() requires a valid hbmPointer.

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