Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#204 KO Myung-Hun fixed Misplacing an embedded window of VLC


An embedded window of VLC when playing a video is misplaced. The y-coordinate of a window moves to upper than the expected.

And when changing Aspect Ratio and Crop many times, the same problems occur.

Current, VLC uses a workaround for this.

I attach non-workaround version.

#205 Yagiza fixed Porting of Qt Creator

It looks like Qt Creator is a part of Qt SDK from Nokia. So, I think it's a good idea to port it also, 'cause there is no IDE for OS/2 (eCS) now to be used to work on Qt projects, so developers need to use Windows/Linux? to develop Qt apps and use OS/2(eCS) prot of Qt just for building OS/2(eCS) port of their apps. Porting Qt creator will let use OS/2(eCS) as an enviornment for developing Qt apps.

#206 rudi fixed QLibrary::load() may give invalid error string

When loading a DLL fails because a dependent module of the requested one is missing, QLibray::errorString() is wrong.

The reason for that is, that in this case DosLoadModule? returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. QLibraryPivate::load_sys() then appends ".DLL" and retries the load. It should not do that, if the failing module is different from the one that was attempted to load.

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