Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#198 rudi fixed modal child widgets go to background

Certain modal 3rd-level child widgets go to the background (i.e. behind the main window) when they should not. An example for this is in Arora browser:

1. Select "Tools/Options" from main menu
2. On the "Autofill" tab, click "Edit"
3.) Click on the Arora main window

What happens is, that the modal dialog "Form Passwords" will disappear behind the main window. Something similar can be observed with KDIFF3.

#199 rudi fixed Piping lage amounts of data from/to a child process fails

Something seems to be broking with the QIODevice interface to QProcess. This shows up, when the amount of data passed through the pipe is relatively large (100KB+). In "debug" configuration, the program exits with the following message:

ASSERT: "pipeData[InPipe].bytesLeft >= written" in file io\qprocess_os2.cpp, line 1390

In "release" configuration, some data is lost. Piping in the opposite direction is unreliable as well.

#200 Yagiza wontfix QTextEdit (and maybe other widget classes) consumes keyboard shortcuts

When I have a widget with QTextEdit class in the window and add a keyoard shortcut (QShortcut) to it with key sequence (QKeySequence) it already handles (with Return, Backspace or other special keys) the shortcut do not trigger and default action preformed instead. This happens with any key combination which contains handled special keys (for example Ctrl+Return also doesn't work). In both windows and linux those shortcuts works all right.

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