Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#179 rudi fixed Enable support for MySQL and PostgreSQL plugins

It turns out, that these two database plugins can be build quite nicely. We should at least offer "configure" support for them (if not even ship binary versions). Here is, what I did to compile them:

Added to src\plugins\sqldrivers\mysql\

    os2 {
        TARGET_SHORT = qmysql
        LIBS += -lmysqlclient_r -lpthread -llibssl -llibcrypto

Then run:

qmake "INCPATH+=<mysql_path>\include\mysql" "LIBPATH+=<mysql_path>\lib"


I couldn't find a clear statement, if the "reentrant" version of the MySQL client library is really necessary when used in the context of a Qt plugin. If not, it would remove the dependency from pthread.

For PostgreSQL the change in src\plugins\sqldrivers\psql\ could look like this:

   os2 {
       TARGET_SHORT = qpgsql
       LIBS += -llibpq -llibssl -llibcrypto

And the qmake/make command being similar.

In both cases the resulting plugins depend on OpenSSL. I'm not sure, if we should make the selection of the SSL libs a config option so that the user can also build the plugins with SSL linked in statically. But as I wrote in #167, I would prefer the DLL approach.

BTW, I did a quick test only with MySQL. I don't have PostGreSQL running here.

#180 rudi wontfix Location of ui_*.h

With 4.6.3, qmake places the generated ui_*.h files in the objects directory. While appears to be a good choice not to mix the generated files with the source, it caused a compile break here. In order to fix this, I had to add "." to the compiler's include path. Is that working as designed ?

#181 Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Create RPM installer

There is a decision to distribute Qt only in RPM format. Two reasons:

  1. WarpIn? and RPM are competing and should not co-exist as this creates a mess (file duplication, version conflicts and so on) on the user machine.
  1. Doing it RPM-only will motivate users to switch to RPM ASAP as Qt is usually a highly wanted piece of software.
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