Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 301)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#12 Dmitry A. Kuminov Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Port QLibrary

Provide an OS/2 version of the QLibrary class.

#13 Dmitry A. Kuminov Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Port QThread, QMutex, QWaitCondition

Provide OS/2 versions of the QThread, QMutex and QWaitCondition classes.

#14 Dmitry A. Kuminov Dmitry A. Kuminov fixed Generate proper qconfig.h

configure.cmd needs to generate a proper qconfig.h file containing required platform definitions (like endianness) plus Qt options (like the set of modules) based on the user input.

Currently, configure.cmd generates an empty qconfig.h that is fine for qmake but not enough for anything else.

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