1 | /****************************************************************************
2 | **
3 | ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 | ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com)
5 | **
6 | ** Copyright (C) 2009 netlabs.org. OS/2 parts.
7 | **
8 | ** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
9 | **
11 | ** Commercial Usage
12 | ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
13 | ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
14 | ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
15 | ** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
16 | **
17 | ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
18 | ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
19 | ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
20 | ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
21 | ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
22 | ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
23 | ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
24 | **
25 | ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
26 | ** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
27 | ** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
28 | ** package.
29 | **
30 | ** GNU General Public License Usage
31 | ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
32 | ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
33 | ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
34 | ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
35 | ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
36 | ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
37 | **
38 | ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
39 | ** contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com.
40 | ** $QT_END_LICENSE$
41 | **
42 | ****************************************************************************/
43 |
44 | #include "qapplication.h"
45 |
46 | #include "qapplication_p.h"
47 | #include "qevent.h"
48 | #include "qpainter.h"
49 | #include "qwidget.h"
50 | #include "qbuffer.h"
51 | #include "qdatastream.h"
52 | #include "qcursor.h"
53 | #include "qdesktopwidget.h"
54 | #include "qdnd_p.h"
55 | #include "qdebug.h"
56 |
57 | #include "qt_os2.h"
58 |
59 | //#define QDND_DEBUG // in pair with qmime_pm.cpp
60 |
61 | #ifdef QDND_DEBUG
62 | # define DEBUG(a) qDebug a
63 | #else
64 | # define DEBUG(a) do {} while(0)
65 | #endif
66 |
68 |
69 | #if !defined(QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP) && !defined(QT_NO_CLIPBOARD)
70 |
71 | /** \internal
72 | * Data for QDragEnterEvent/QDragMoveEvent/QPMDropEvent.
73 | */
74 | class QPMDragData
75 | {
76 | public:
77 | QPMDragData();
78 | ~QPMDragData();
79 |
80 | void initialize(DRAGINFO *di);
81 | void reset(bool isAccepted);
82 | void reset() { reset(false); }
83 |
84 | void setDropped(bool d) { dropped = d; }
85 | bool isDropped() const { return dropped; }
86 |
87 | DRAGINFO *info() const { return di; }
88 |
89 | bool hasFormat_sys(const QString &mimeType);
90 | QStringList formats_sys();
91 | QVariant retrieveData_sys(const QString &mimeType,
92 | QVariant::Type preferredType);
93 |
94 | private:
95 |
96 | void initWorkers();
97 |
98 | bool initialized : 1;
99 | bool dropped : 1;
100 | bool gotWorkers : 1;
101 |
102 | DRAGINFO *di;
103 | QList<QPMMime::DropWorker*> workers;
104 | };
105 |
106 | QPMDragData::QPMDragData()
107 | : initialized(false), dropped(false)
108 | , gotWorkers(false), di(NULL)
109 | {
110 | QDragManager *manager = QDragManager::self();
111 | Q_ASSERT(!manager->dropData->d);
112 | manager->dropData->d = this;
113 | }
114 |
115 | QPMDragData::~QPMDragData()
116 | {
117 | reset();
118 |
119 | QDragManager *manager = QDragManager::self();
120 | if (manager) {
121 | Q_ASSERT(manager->dropData->d == this);
122 | manager->dropData->d = 0;
123 | }
124 | }
125 |
126 | void QPMDragData::initialize(DRAGINFO *info)
127 | {
128 | Q_ASSERT(info);
129 | if (initialized || !info)
130 | return;
131 |
132 | initialized = true;
133 | di = info;
134 | }
135 |
136 | void QPMDragData::initWorkers()
137 | {
138 | Q_ASSERT(initialized);
139 | if (!initialized || gotWorkers)
140 | return;
141 |
142 | gotWorkers = true;
143 |
144 | // go through all converters and collect DropWorkers to use
145 | foreach (QPMMime *mime, QPMMime::all()) {
146 | QPMMime::DropWorker *wrk = mime->dropWorkerFor(di);
147 | if (wrk) {
148 | if (wrk->isExclusive()) {
149 | // ignore all other workers if some of them identified itself
150 | // as exclusive
151 | workers.clear();
152 | workers.append(wrk);
153 | break;
154 | }
155 | // ensure there are no duplicateseed
156 | if (!workers.contains(wrk))
157 | workers.append(wrk);
158 | }
159 | }
160 |
161 | DEBUG(() << "QPMDragData:" << workers.count() << "drop workers for DRAGINFO" << di);
162 |
163 | // init all workers
164 | foreach (QPMMime::DropWorker *w, workers) {
165 | w->nfo = di;
166 | w->init();
167 | }
168 | }
169 |
170 | void QPMDragData::reset(bool isAccepted)
171 | {
172 | if (!initialized)
173 | return;
174 |
175 | // cleanup all workers
176 | foreach (QPMMime::DropWorker *w, workers) {
177 | w->cleanup(isAccepted);
178 | w->nfo = 0;
179 | }
180 |
181 | workers.clear();
182 | di = 0;
183 | initialized = dropped = gotWorkers = false;
184 | }
185 |
186 | bool QPMDragData::hasFormat_sys(const QString &mimeType)
187 | {
188 | if (!gotWorkers)
189 | initWorkers();
190 |
191 | foreach (QPMMime::DropWorker *w, workers)
192 | if (w->hasFormat(mimeType))
193 | return true;
194 |
195 | return false;
196 | }
197 |
198 | QStringList QPMDragData::formats_sys()
199 | {
200 | QStringList mimes;
201 |
202 | if (!gotWorkers)
203 | initWorkers();
204 |
205 | foreach (QPMMime::DropWorker *w, workers)
206 | mimes << w->formats();
207 |
208 | return mimes;
209 | }
210 |
211 | QVariant QPMDragData::retrieveData_sys(const QString &mimeType,
212 | QVariant::Type preferredType)
213 | {
214 | QVariant result;
215 |
216 | // we may only do data transfer after DM_DROP is sent. Return shortly.
217 | if (!isDropped())
218 | return result;
219 |
220 | if (!gotWorkers)
221 | initWorkers();
222 |
223 | foreach (QPMMime::DropWorker *w, workers) {
224 | if (w->hasFormat(mimeType)) {
225 | result = w->retrieveData(mimeType, preferredType);
226 | break;
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 | return result;
231 | }
232 |
233 | static Qt::DropActions toQDragDropActions(USHORT ops)
234 | {
235 | Qt::DropActions actions = Qt::IgnoreAction;
236 | if (ops & DO_LINKABLE)
237 | actions |= Qt::LinkAction;
238 | if (ops & DO_COPYABLE)
239 | actions |= Qt::CopyAction;
240 | if (ops & DO_MOVEABLE)
241 | actions |= Qt::MoveAction;
242 | return actions;
243 | }
244 |
245 | static Qt::DropAction toQDragDropAction(USHORT op)
246 | {
247 | if (op == DO_LINK)
248 | return Qt::LinkAction;
249 | if (op == DO_COPY)
250 | return Qt::CopyAction;
251 | if (op == DO_MOVE)
252 | return Qt::MoveAction;
253 | return Qt::IgnoreAction;
254 | }
255 |
256 | static USHORT toPmDragDropOp(Qt::DropActions action)
257 | {
258 | if (action & Qt::LinkAction)
259 | return DO_LINK;
260 | if (action & Qt::CopyAction)
261 | return DO_COPY;
262 | if (action & Qt::MoveAction)
263 | return DO_MOVE;
264 | return DO_UNKNOWN;
265 | }
266 |
267 | /*!
268 | * \internal
269 | * Direct manipulation (Drag & Drop) event handler
270 | */
271 | MRESULT qt_dispatchDragAndDrop(QWidget *widget, const QMSG &qmsg)
272 | {
273 | static QWidget *lastDragOverWidget = 0; // last target widget
274 | static USHORT lastDragOverOp = 0; // last DM_DRAGOVER operation
275 |
276 | static USHORT supportedOps = 0; // operations supported by all items
277 | static bool sourceAllowsOp = false; // does source allow requested operation
278 |
279 | static USHORT lastDropReply = DOR_NEVERDROP; // last reply to DM_DRAGOVER
280 | static USHORT lastOpRequest = DO_UNKNOWN; // last op requested in DM_DRAGOVER
281 |
282 | static Qt::DropAction lastProposedAction = Qt::CopyAction; // last proposed action
283 | static QRect lastAnswerRect; // last accepted rectangle from the target
284 | // @todo use lastAnswerRect to compress DM_DRAGOVER events
285 |
286 | static QPMDragData dragData;
287 |
288 | Q_ASSERT(widget);
289 |
290 | BOOL ok = FALSE;
291 |
292 | QDragManager *manager = QDragManager::self();
293 |
294 | switch (qmsg.msg) {
295 | case DM_DRAGOVER: {
296 | DEBUG(("DM_DRAGOVER: hwnd %lX di %p x %d y %d", qmsg.hwnd, qmsg.mp1,
297 | SHORT1FROMMP(qmsg.mp2), SHORT2FROMMP(qmsg.mp2)));
298 |
299 | DRAGINFO *info = (DRAGINFO *)qmsg.mp1;
300 | ok = DrgAccessDraginfo(info);
301 | Q_ASSERT(ok && info);
302 | if (!ok || !info)
304 |
305 | // flip y coordinate
306 | QPoint pnt(info->xDrop, info->yDrop);
307 | pnt.setY(QApplication::desktop()->height() - (pnt.y() + 1));
308 | pnt = widget->mapFromGlobal(pnt);
309 |
310 | QWidget *dragOverWidget = widget->childAt(pnt);
311 | if (!dragOverWidget)
312 | dragOverWidget = widget;
313 |
314 | bool first = lastDragOverWidget != dragOverWidget;
315 | if (first) {
316 | // the first DM_DRAGOVER message
317 | if (lastDragOverWidget != 0) {
318 | // send drag leave to the old widget
319 | dragData.reset();
320 | QPointer<QWidget> dragOverWidgetGuard(dragOverWidget);
321 | QDragLeaveEvent dle;
322 | QApplication::sendEvent(lastDragOverWidget, &dle);
323 | if (!dragOverWidgetGuard) {
324 | dragOverWidget = widget->childAt(pnt);
325 | if (!dragOverWidget)
326 | dragOverWidget = widget;
327 | }
328 | }
329 | lastDragOverWidget = dragOverWidget;
330 | lastDragOverOp = 0;
332 | sourceAllowsOp = false;
333 | lastDropReply = DOR_NEVERDROP;
334 | lastOpRequest = DO_UNKNOWN;
335 | lastProposedAction = manager->defaultAction(toQDragDropActions(supportedOps),
336 | Qt::NoModifier);
337 | lastAnswerRect = QRect();
338 | // ensure drag data is reset (just in case of a wrong msg flow...)
339 | dragData.reset();
340 | }
341 |
342 | if (!dragOverWidget->acceptDrops()) {
343 | // We don't reply with DOR_NEVERDROP here because in this
344 | // case PM will stop sending DM_DRAGOVER to the given HWND but
345 | // we may have another non-native child (that has the same HWND)
346 | // at a different position that accepts drops
347 | DrgFreeDraginfo(info);
348 | return MRFROM2SHORT(DOR_NODROP, 0);
349 | }
350 |
351 | USHORT dropReply = DOR_DROP;
352 |
353 | if (first) {
354 | // determine the set of operations supported by *all* items
355 | // (this implies that DRAGITEM::fsSupportedOps is a bit field)
356 | ULONG itemCount = DrgQueryDragitemCount(info);
357 | for (ULONG i = 0; i < itemCount; ++ i) {
358 | PDRAGITEM item = DrgQueryDragitemPtr(info, i);
359 | Q_ASSERT(item);
360 | if (!item) {
361 | dropReply = DOR_NEVERDROP;
362 | break;
363 | }
364 | supportedOps &= item->fsSupportedOps;
365 | }
366 | if (dropReply != DOR_NEVERDROP) {
367 | Q_ASSERT(itemCount);
368 | if (!itemCount || !supportedOps) {
369 | // items don't have even a single common operation...
370 | dropReply = DOR_NEVERDROP;
371 | }
372 | }
373 | }
374 |
375 | if (dropReply != DOR_NEVERDROP) {
376 |
377 | if (first || lastDragOverOp != info->usOperation) {
378 | // the current drop operation was changed by a modifier key
379 | lastDragOverOp = info->usOperation;
380 | USHORT realOp = info->usOperation;
381 | if (realOp == DO_DEFAULT || realOp == DO_UNKNOWN) {
382 | // the default operation is requested
383 | realOp = toPmDragDropOp(lastProposedAction);
384 | }
385 | sourceAllowsOp =
386 | ((supportedOps & DO_MOVEABLE) && realOp == DO_MOVE) ||
387 | ((supportedOps & DO_COPYABLE) && realOp == DO_COPY) ||
388 | ((supportedOps & DO_LINKABLE) && realOp == DO_LINK);
389 | }
390 |
391 | // Note that if sourceAllowsOp = false here, we have to deliver
392 | // events anyway (stealing them from Qt would be confusing), but
393 | // we will silently ignore any accept commands and always reject
394 | // the drop. Other platforms seem to do the same.
395 |
396 | QMimeData *data = manager->source() ? manager->dragPrivate()->data : manager->dropData;
397 |
398 | Qt::DropAction action = toQDragDropAction(lastOpRequest);
399 |
400 | if (first) {
401 | dragData.initialize(info);
402 | QDragEnterEvent dee(pnt, toQDragDropActions(supportedOps), data,
403 | QApplication::mouseButtons(),
404 | QApplication::keyboardModifiers());
405 | QApplication::sendEvent(dragOverWidget, &dee);
406 | // if not allowed or not accepted, always reply DOR_NODROP
407 | // to have DM_DRAGOVER delivered to us again for a new test
408 | if (sourceAllowsOp && dee.isAccepted()) {
409 | dropReply = DOR_DROP;
410 | action = dee.dropAction();
411 | lastProposedAction = dee.proposedAction();
412 | lastAnswerRect = dee.answerRect();
413 | } else {
414 | dropReply = DOR_NODROP;
415 | }
416 | }
417 |
418 | // note: according to the Qt documentation, the move event
419 | // is sent immediately after the enter event, do so (only if
420 | // the target accepts it)
421 | if (!first || dropReply == DOR_DROP) {
422 | QDragEnterEvent dme(pnt, toQDragDropActions(supportedOps), data,
423 | QApplication::mouseButtons(),
424 | QApplication::keyboardModifiers());
425 | // accept by default, since enter event was accepted.
426 | dme.setDropAction(action);
427 | dme.accept();
428 | QApplication::sendEvent(dragOverWidget, &dme);
429 | if (sourceAllowsOp && dme.isAccepted()) {
430 | dropReply = DOR_DROP;
431 | action = dme.dropAction();
432 | lastProposedAction = dme.proposedAction();
433 | lastAnswerRect = dme.answerRect();
434 | } else {
435 | dropReply = DOR_NODROP;
436 | }
437 | }
438 |
439 | lastDropReply = dropReply;
440 | lastOpRequest = toPmDragDropOp(action);
441 | }
442 |
443 | DrgFreeDraginfo(info);
444 |
445 | return MRFROM2SHORT(dropReply, lastOpRequest);
446 | }
447 | case DM_DRAGLEAVE: {
448 | DEBUG(("DM_DRAGLEAVE: hwnd %lX di %p", qmsg.hwnd, qmsg.mp1));
449 |
450 | // Odin32 apps produce incorrect message flow, ignore
451 | Q_ASSERT(lastDragOverWidget != 0);
452 | if (lastDragOverWidget == 0)
453 | return 0;
454 |
455 | QDragLeaveEvent de;
456 | QApplication::sendEvent(lastDragOverWidget, &de);
457 |
458 | lastDragOverWidget = 0;
459 | dragData.reset();
460 |
461 | return 0;
462 | }
463 | case DM_DROP: {
464 | DEBUG(("DM_DROP: hwnd %lX di %p", qmsg.hwnd, qmsg.mp1));
465 |
466 | // Odin32 apps produce incorrect message flow, ignore
467 | Q_ASSERT(lastDragOverWidget != 0);
468 | if (lastDragOverWidget == 0)
469 | return 0;
470 |
471 | // Odin32 apps send DM_DROP even if we replied DOR_NEVERDROP or
472 | // DOR_NODROP, simulate DM_DRAGLEAVE
473 | Q_ASSERT(lastDropReply == DOR_DROP);
474 | if (lastDropReply != DOR_DROP) {
475 | QMSG qmsg2 = qmsg;
476 | qmsg2.msg = DM_DRAGLEAVE;
477 | qt_dispatchDragAndDrop(widget, qmsg2);
478 | return 0;
479 | }
480 |
481 | DRAGINFO *info = (DRAGINFO *)qmsg.mp1;
482 | ok = DrgAccessDraginfo(info);
483 | Q_ASSERT(ok && info);
484 | if (!ok || !info)
485 | return 0;
486 |
487 | // flip y coordinate
488 | QPoint pnt(info->xDrop, info->yDrop);
489 | pnt.setY(QApplication::desktop()->height() - (pnt.y() + 1));
490 | pnt = widget->mapFromGlobal(pnt);
491 |
492 | Q_ASSERT(lastOpRequest == info->usOperation);
493 |
494 | Q_ASSERT(lastDragOverWidget->acceptDrops());
495 | if (!lastDragOverWidget->acceptDrops()) {
496 | DrgDeleteDraginfoStrHandles(info);
497 | DrgFreeDraginfo(info);
498 | return 0;
499 | }
500 |
501 | QDragManager *manager = QDragManager::self();
502 | QMimeData *data = manager->source() ? manager->dragPrivate()->data : manager->dropData;
503 |
504 | Qt::DropAction action = toQDragDropAction(lastOpRequest);
505 |
506 | dragData.setDropped(true);
507 |
508 | QDropEvent de(pnt, action, data, QApplication::mouseButtons(),
509 | QApplication::keyboardModifiers());
510 | if (lastDropReply == DOR_DROP)
511 | de.setDropAction(action);
512 |
513 | QApplication::sendEvent(lastDragOverWidget, &de);
514 |
515 | if (lastDropReply == DOR_DROP)
516 | de.accept();
517 |
518 | lastDragOverWidget = 0;
519 | dragData.reset(de.isAccepted());
520 |
521 | ULONG targetReply = de.isAccepted() ?
523 |
524 | if (de.isAccepted() && de.dropAction() == Qt::TargetMoveAction) {
525 | // Qt::TargetMoveAction means that the target will move the
526 | // object (e.g. copy it to itself and delete from the source).
527 | // In this case, we always send DMFL_TARGETFAIL to the source to
528 | // prevent it from doing the same on its side.
529 | targetReply = DMFL_TARGETFAIL;
530 | }
531 |
532 | // send DM_ENDCONVERSATION for every item
533 | ULONG itemCount = DrgQueryDragitemCount(info);
534 | for (ULONG i = 0; i < itemCount; ++ i) {
535 | PDRAGITEM item = DrgQueryDragitemPtr(info, i);
536 | Q_ASSERT(item);
537 | if (!item)
538 | continue;
539 | // it is possible that this item required DM_RENDERPREPARE but
540 | // returned false in reply to it (so hwndItem may be NULL)
541 | if (!item->hwndItem)
542 | continue;
543 | DrgSendTransferMsg(item->hwndItem, DM_ENDCONVERSATION,
544 | MPFROMLONG(item->ulItemID),
545 | MPFROMLONG(targetReply));
546 | }
547 |
548 | DrgDeleteDraginfoStrHandles(info);
549 | DrgFreeDraginfo(info);
550 |
551 | return 0;
552 | }
553 | default:
554 | break;
555 | }
556 |
557 | return WinDefWindowProc(qmsg.hwnd, qmsg.msg, qmsg.mp1, qmsg.mp2);
558 | }
559 |
560 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
561 | // QDropData
562 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
563 |
564 | bool QDropData::hasFormat_sys(const QString &mimeType) const
565 | {
566 | Q_ASSERT(d);
567 | if (d)
568 | return d->hasFormat_sys(mimeType);
569 | return false;
570 | }
571 |
572 | QStringList QDropData::formats_sys() const
573 | {
574 | QStringList fmts;
575 | Q_ASSERT(d);
576 | if (d)
577 | fmts = d->formats_sys();
578 | return fmts;
579 | }
580 |
581 | QVariant QDropData::retrieveData_sys(const QString &mimeType, QVariant::Type type) const
582 | {
583 | QVariant result;
584 | Q_ASSERT(d);
585 | if (d)
586 | result = d->retrieveData_sys(mimeType, type);
587 | return result;
588 | }
589 |
590 | Qt::DropAction QDragManager::drag(QDrag *o)
591 |
592 | {
593 | DEBUG(() << "QDragManager::drag");
594 |
595 | // @todo implement
596 | return Qt::IgnoreAction;
597 | }
598 |
599 | void QDragManager::cancel(bool /* deleteSource */)
600 | {
601 | // @todo implement
602 | }
603 |
604 | void QDragManager::updatePixmap()
605 | {
606 | // not used in PM implementation
607 | }
608 |
609 | bool QDragManager::eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *)
610 | {
611 | // not used in PM implementation
612 | return false;
613 | }
614 |
615 | void QDragManager::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)
616 | {
617 | // not used in PM implementation
618 | }
619 |
620 | void QDragManager::move(const QPoint &)
621 | {
622 | // not used in PM implementation
623 | }
624 |
625 | void QDragManager::drop()
626 | {
627 | // not used in PM implementation
628 | }
629 |
631 |
632 | #endif // QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP