Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#27 closed defect (invalid)

Psi influencing behaviour of other apps

Reported by: axel.hagedorn@… Owned by: dmik
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: 3rdparty Version:
Severity: normal Keywords: PMMail, EFCommander


Cannot say if this is a defect of the port or problems with other apps that Psi brings up. But since I see things with more than just one app it seems to be more on the Psi side...

When Psi is up and running, the Unread-Icon in of a new mail in PMMail does not automatically switch to read anymore when the mail is viewed in the preview pane. - If you shut down Psi, it works again.

When Psi is up and running, the animated train-symbol that can be seen when moving or copying a file with EFCommander is not displayed. - Again, if you switch off Psi, next copy job shows it again.

When Psi is up and running, you cannot rename files anymore in EFCommander by clicking on the filename twice. - Switch off Psi and it works again.

This is while working with Beta 1 of Psi.

Regards Axel

Change History (1)

comment:1 by dmik, 19 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Moved to ticket:25.

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