Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#12 new task

Looking for the best programmer's editor based on Qt 3

Reported by: dmik Owned by: dmik
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: [ports] Version:
Severity: normal Keywords: programmer's editor


We are looking for a good programmer's text editor based on the Qt Toolkit Version 3, in order to port it to OS/2.

Basic requirements are:

  • Open-source (with all 3rd party components, if any, available for OS/2)
  • Cross-platform (runs at least on Win32 and Linux)
  • Project support:
    • Associated list of project files/directories
    • Workspace (preserves open files between sessions)
    • Per-project editor settings (tab size, macros, etc.)
    • Customizable project actions (compile, run, archive)
  • Syntax highlighting (better customizable)
  • CTAGS support (for code navigation and completion)
  • Scripting support (either its own language or perl, phyton, whatever also exists for OS/2)
  • Plugin support

Change History (6)

comment:1 by anonymous, 19 years ago

Summary: Looking for a best programmer's editor based on Qt 3Looking for the best programmer's editor based on Qt 3

comment:2 by dmik, 19 years ago

I've found one called Cute: At least according to the Features page, it suits most of the needs listed above. However, there is no Win32 version by now (that also means that the sources will most likely need to be altered to make Cute an "OS/2-friendly" application), but everything it requires is Qt and Phyton. The latter is also available for OS/2 (even the most recent release) here: First I'll try to build and use it under Linux to see is it worth to be ported to OS/2.

comment:3 by dmik, 19 years ago

No, Cute is not the best. Project management is too crude yet (try to organize a project with thousands of files). Tags browser is something unuseful when there are hundreds thounsands of tags :) Impossible to set up fonts (at least from the GUI). The conclusion: the current version (0.2.9) at first sight is not suitable for me (mostly because of the weak project management).

comment:4 by Doodle, 19 years ago

I don't know if it's the best, but it's quite a good editor:

I know that the author has a newer version in his home computer, so its development is not that stalled as it looks to be.


comment:5 by ak@…, 19 years ago

Qscintilla -


Both are licensed under GPL. Qscintilla is quite portable and available for more platforms.

Andreas Kohl

comment:6 by dmik, 19 years ago

Thank you for the links Andreas. However, if you read the posts dated 12/19/05 above, you'll see I have already tried it and made a conclusion :) If you want to argue though you're welcome because it was just the first (not so successful) sight.

Qscintilla is a good thing by itself btw. So if somebody wants to write a good Qt editor himself, it's a great stuff to start from :)

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