Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#53 100% CPU load in some applications dmik defect highest kernel
#52 sigfpe dmik defect high 3rdparty
#48 Include Qt - Designer into the build process dmik task normal designer
#47 Redrawing problems in showimg and designer dmik task normal kernel
#46 Line breaks missing in some QLabels dmik defect normal designer
#45 Include Qt - Config into the build process dmik task normal tools
#44 Include Qt - Linguist into the build process dmik task normal linguist
#43 Add Qt full documentation to this repository dmik task normal tools
#42 Include Qt - Assistant into the build process dmik task normal tools
#41 Add QPrinter class dmik defect normal kernel
#39 Enable more examples dmik task normal examples
#36 Problems with drag'n'drop? dmik defect normal [general]
#35 Rewrite timers dmik enhancement normal qt-os2-3.3.1-rc07 kernel
#20 Provide official binary and runtime distributions dmik enhancement normal qt-os2-3.3.1-rc07 [general]
#12 Looking for the best programmer's editor based on Qt 3 dmik task normal [ports]
#9 Implement the native OS/2 style for widgets dmik task normal styles
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.