Custom Query (27 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#31 fixed qfile_pm.cpp: isValidFile() doesn't work correctly for filenames with national characters dmik froloff

Мелочь, поэтому напишу по русски :) . bool isValidFile( const QString& fileName ) использует strchr() для проверки символа в имени файла на if ( strchr( badChars, fileName[i] ) ) Перед этим для приведения fileName[i] к char неявно вызывается метод latin1(), который для символов в уникоде (>0xFF) возвращает 0. Но согласно спецификации strchr() 0 это допустимы символ для поиска и более того конец строки '\0' также включается в поиск. В результате имеем FALSE для всех имён с национальными символами. Вот исправление:

    for ( int i = 0; i < (int) fileName.length(); i++) {
        if ( fileName[i] < QChar( 32 ) )
            return FALSE;
        '''if( (char)fileName[i] == 0 ) continue;'''

        if ( strchr( badChars, fileName[i] ) )
            return FALSE;

Или можно заменить strchr() strnchr()

#29 fixed QThread stack size dmik froloff

It seems that value of 32768 bytes for default thread stack size is too small. This cause program photoproc trap due to low stack in 2-nd thread. I propose to increase it to 2Mb (0x200000) value.

#27 invalid Psi influencing behaviour of other apps dmik axel.hagedorn@…

Cannot say if this is a defect of the port or problems with other apps that Psi brings up. But since I see things with more than just one app it seems to be more on the Psi side...

When Psi is up and running, the Unread-Icon in of a new mail in PMMail does not automatically switch to read anymore when the mail is viewed in the preview pane. - If you shut down Psi, it works again.

When Psi is up and running, the animated train-symbol that can be seen when moving or copying a file with EFCommander is not displayed. - Again, if you switch off Psi, next copy job shows it again.

When Psi is up and running, you cannot rename files anymore in EFCommander by clicking on the filename twice. - Switch off Psi and it works again.

This is while working with Beta 1 of Psi.

Regards Axel

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