Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#11 debug the writev()/readv() problem Silvan Scherrer defect major libtorrent
#80 Pthread defect Feedback pending *none
#123 Unable to get scanline 0! when sending test page defect Feedback pending cups
#134 updatedb from findutils-4.6.0-2.oc00.pentium4 touches network drives where it should not task trivial *none
#154 cups-files.conf contains errors Silvan Scherrer defect Feedback pending cups
#174 Weigh merits of (not) setting EMXSHELL by default. enhancement major *none
#188 Missing Perl packages defect Feedback pending *none
#190 ASpell behaves like term is NULL (but it is OS2) defect Feedback pending *none
#192 Poppler 0.59.0 and Lucide task Feedback pending *none
#194 Unusable zip arhive of huge volume defect Feedback pending *none
#202 Can't find VirtualBox for OS/2. task minor *none
#219 Test defect major *none
#220 gcc-stdc++-shared-library backlevel or obsolete defect minor *none
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