Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 204)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#162 fixed git 2.11.0-2 fsck fails with fatal: mmap failed: Too many open files for large repositories. Steven Levine

git 2.11.0-2 fsck fails with

fatal: mmap failed: Too many open files for large repositories.

The fix is probably a call to DosSetRelMaxFH in response to ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES near mmapc near line 494.

The testcase is

git fsck

on any relatively large repo. The samba repo and the suitecrm repo are large enough to fail.

#161 fixed dash: Support BEGINLIBPATH and LIBPATHSTRICT dmik dmik

Currently, dash completely lacks support for these pseudo environment variables so it's impossible to set them from a shell script (ash is capable of it). We need to fix it (this doesn't look too difficult).

#160 fixed perl Module::Build Silvan Scherrer

The Build module has a serious issue. It copies perl scripts and exchanges the occurrence of usr/perl to the local installed path. As long as such scripts are not installed during a rpm creation all is well. But as soon as they are installed, the person not having the same unixroot layout as the rpm creator, will not be able to execute the scripts.

The problem is in /usr/share/perl5/Module/ and /usr/share/perl5/Module/build/

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