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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#179 fixed zip: Failure to archive wildcarded system and/or hidden files, even with -S option when not using sh Lewis Rosenthal

Under certain conditions (non-*nix shells), attempting to zip (with the -S parameter) a collection of files with either system, hidden, or both attributes set fails to find these files to archive. They are skipped.


zip -S OS2*

Nothing is archived.

zip -S OS2BOOT

OS2BOOT is archived.

However, if a path is specified, these files are found:

zip -S .\OS2*

works, unless there is an OS2 directory which is seen, as is the case with a boot volume. In those cases, the directory is archived (not its contents, obviously), but all of the kernel files are skipped, even when a path is specified (\OS2* or .\OS2*).

#21 fixed zip: -AC option not supported ataylor

The -AC option (clear archive attribute) should be supported under OS/2 as well as Win32. (The -AS option should be supported as well.)

(This information from Silvan:) 1971 #if defined(WIN32) 1972 {"AC", "archive-clear", o_NO_VALUE, o_NOT_NEGATABLE, o_AC, "clear DOS archive bit of included files"}, 1973 {"AS", "archive-set", o_NO_VALUE, o_NOT_NEGATABLE, o_AS, "include only files with archive bit set"}, 1974 #endif

It looks as if the #if statement should be updated to include an OS2 platform variable.

#201 fixed zip truncates archive > 4 GiB when work directory (-b) option specified. Silvan Scherrer Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

When zip is creating an archive with the work directory (-b) option, it appears to create the work file properly. However, when it builds the actual archive, it truncates it to 4 GiB - 1 and subsequent unzip calls fail.

See ticket 194.

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