Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Milestone Owner Type Priority
#4 gettext: charset conversion fails new defect minor
#87 cairo: Import and build upstream sources new task major
#90 pango: Fix module exports new task major
#91 cairo: Make cairo-sphinx and cairo-fdr build new defect minor
#97 cairo: all tests fails new defect major
#131 ClamAV WPS objects? new defect major
#139 Vim: port request accepted Silvan Scherrer task major
#147 HPLIP-GUI won't run new defect minor
#187 File::Spec->rel2abs gets current working dfirectory for wrong drive new defect Feedback pending
#212 bind-utils (dig) expects to find name server entries in /etc/resolv.conf which does not usually exist new defect major
#213 versionlock.conf should have /@unixroot prepended to locklist filename new defect major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.