Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#208 Steven Levine fixed grep --include and --exclude options are not case-insensitve

grep -r --include=*.c foo will not check files named *.C because the fnmatch() call is case-sensitive

To change this behavior, modify:


bool matched = ((*matcher) (pattern, f, options) == 0);


bool matched = ((*matcher) (pattern, f, options | FNM_CASEFOLD) == 0);

#209 Silvan Scherrer David McKenna fixed fontconfig 2.13.1 traps SeaMonkey

Installed the new experimental fontconfig 2.13.1 using ANPM 1.0.4. After rebooting, I could not start SeaMonkey? - it would beep and create a TRP file. Downgraded back to fontconfig 2.12.4 using ANPM, but at the end of installing, I got a TRP file (attached). However, after rebooting, SeaMonkey? worked again.

#214 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz invalid xworkplace crash, filtered reporting address

xworkplace created a crash log; I believe that this was during shutdown. I attempted to e-mail the log and got the message <xworkplace-user@…>: ezmlm-issubn: fatal: unable to open allow/subscribers/T: access denied

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