Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#138 Silvan Scherrer Lewis Rosenthal fixed wget: pathconf: No such file or directory error when proxy enabled

Proxy is correctly configured in .wgetrc:

http_proxy = http://localhost:3128/
use_proxy = on

However, when retrieving with proxy enabled, the following (likely spurious) error is reported:

wget http://some-url-with-existing-file
pathconf: No such file or directory
--2017-01-27 15:58:26--  http://some-url-with-existing-file
Resolving localhost (localhost)...
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:3128... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response...

The download completes normally, apparently via the configured proxy.

The same .wgetrc configuration does not throw the error with my homegrown wget 1.14 static build from 2013.

The above occurs with:


#142 Lewis Rosenthal fixed In web administration console, returning from a configuration change yields 500 error

Making no changes and clicking "Change Settings" from the Administration page results in the Change Settings page advising that the server will not be restarted because no changes have been made. The page automatically refreshes with a URL of admin/?OP=redirect, displays a white page with "internal Server Error" and stops. Clicking <Back> works, to return to the admin page.

This can also happen after actually making a configuration page, too.

#145 dmik fixed coreutils: sort fails to close stdin if linked with OpenSSL

If you try to exec a piped sort call (e.g. execlp("sh.exe", "sh.exe", "-c", "sort | cat")) in a process whose STDIN is a socketpair's handle (i.e. was redirected to a pipe), then it will spit out the following error right before termination when it tries to fclose(stdin):

sort: close failed: -: Bad file number

The strange thing is that this failure only happens if sort.exe is built against OpenSSL (-lcrypto) to get fast MD5 calculation. If OpenSSL is disabled in the coreutils build (so that a slower fallback MD5 code is used), all works fine, even with socketpair etc.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.