Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#118 Lewis Rosenthal fixed updatedb from findutils-4.4.2-6.oc00.pentium4 has hardcoded (incorrect) paths and other issues

In short, updatedb does not work. After creating symlinks for frcode, bigram, and code in /@unixroot/usr/libexec (the initial complaints from updatedb run under latest dash), updatedb further complains:

# updatedb
C:/usr/bin/updatedb: 1: C:/usr/bin/updatedb: sed: not found
C:/usr/bin/updatedb: 243: C:/usr/bin/updatedb: rm: not found
C:/usr/bin/updatedb: 278: C:/usr/bin/updatedb: D:/usr/libexec/bin/sort.exe: I/O error
C:/usr/bin/updatedb: 292: C:/usr/bin/updatedb: chmod: not found
C:/usr/bin/updatedb: 293: C:/usr/bin/updatedb: mv: not found

I can confirm that D:/usr/libexec/bin/sort.exe is hardcoded in a few places in the script. With some more tweaking on my usual system, I am able to get updatedb to run (though no matter what I do, I cannot get it to find sed, rm, chmod, or mv, symlinks or no), however the resulting db (new format, not old) is apparently unusable:

[j:\usr]locate Overview
locate.exe: locate database `/@unixroot/var/locatedb' is corrupt or invalid

locatedb does appear to be a valid db, however, at least from the header. In fact, I am able to find a file located in the first line of it:

[j:\usr]locate 225022
locate.exe: locate database `/@unixroot/var/locatedb' is corrupt or invalid

The results are the same from any shell I've tried (dash, sh, bash, ash, CMD, 4OS2).

I know we've had issues with locate in the past. I was hoping these had been resolved. :-(

#119 Silvan Scherrer herwigb fixed PSUtils port

In order to be able to nicely install PDFMergeNX it would be hand yto have rpm yum version of psutils from Angus J Duggan.

#120 dmik fixed cpio: -m option always fails

Here is a test case:

echo test > test_file
echo test_file > file_list
cpio -pdum test_dir < file_list

It fails with this:

cpio: test_dir/test_file: Cannot utime: Permission denied

Removing the -m option fixes the error.

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