Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#96 dmik fixed libtool: SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE is not defined

It turns out that libtool 2.4.6 doesn't define SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE and this breaks some packages, e.g. libffi. This is most likely because of the unexpected nm output at some place. See for details.

#98 dmik wontfix libtool: support win32-dll LT_INIT option

On Windows, this option in particular disables exporting all symbols by libtool when building a DLL since it implies that only the necessary symbols are exported with __declspec(dllexport) in the sources. However, we don't have anything similar on OS/2. So if we use __declspec(dllexport) in the sources there and use libtool, we will still get all symbols exported instead of the ones marked with __declspec(dllexport). This needs to be fixed as it's not good to export stuff that is not intended to be exported.

#102 dmik dmik fixed nspr: Update to version 4.12

We have a very old version 4.8.6 back from 2010. A newer version is required for the latest NSS port which is required by many projects including poppler and Mozilla itself.

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