Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#76 dmik fixed fontconfig: Firefox 31 font quality regression

I noticed that the current SVN build of fontconfig (prior to r1181) gives some strange results when running with Firefox 31 (which still uses the old approach to render fonts not involving pango, see also #75). This needs to be investigated. The screenshots will follow.

#78 dmik fixed fontconfig: Read default fonts from PM registry

The current (complete) fontconfig port uses directory specifications in fonts.conf to find fonts. While we can easily put something like C:/PSFONTS in there by default (it is tested and works) this isn't entirely correct as OS/2 maintains its own system font list and it may represent fonts from many other directories rather than from a single one. We need to read the font list right from the registry.

#79 dmik fixed fontconfig: Add default font substitutions

The upstream version of fontconfig has no knowledge about OS/2 specifics (yet). In particular, the current version of freetype for OS/2 doesn't support native OS/2 bitmap fonts, including WarpSans?. There is a TTF replacement by Alex Taylor though, called Workplace Sans, which is used by some applications instead of WarpSans? (e.g. by Firefox). Back then, the replacement was hardcoded into applications themselves (and later in fontconfig_os2) but this makes no sense with the full version of fontconfig as it has an excellent mechanism to configure such substitutions dynamically in fonts.conf.

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