Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#61 dmik duplicate ash: Create repository

This defect is to track the ash (Almquist Shell) repository initiation. This repository is to act like a source for the up-to-date OS/2 build of ash, i.e. a build based on the latest upstream sources plus all relevant OS/2 patches.

#64 Steven Levine duplicate python 2.7.6 loses pipe output.

cvs2svn v2.40 is a python app that can convert cvs repos to a number of formats.

While attempting to use cvs2svn to convert a cvs repo to git, I discovered our python port does not handle pipe output properly.

The visible symptom is that the git repo is structured correctly, but all the files are empty because the piped output of the cvs commands is lost.

cvs2svn is avaiable at

A simple testcase ( is attached to this ticket. The testcase requires a cvs2svn installation, but uses on one cvs2svn function which could be moved into the testcase.

The expected output is the data variable contains the command output. The current behavior is that the data variable remains empty.

#65 Tellie fixed Pthread

I notice that the _pthread_attr_getdetachstate is not defined in the pthread.a It's in Pthread_s.a and Pthread_g.a

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