Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#170 Silvan Scherrer Yuri Dario fixed Fontconfig warning it_IT_EURO

Newer fontconfig releases are giving this message on console:

Fontconfig warning: ignoring it_IT_EURO: not a valid region tag

This is replied also on VX-REXX console window and forces user to close also that window to get program termination.

#173 ataylor fixed openssl.exe traps in crypto10.dll

Since updating all packages, openssl.exe no longer runs. POPUPLOG.OS2 records this trap:

10-19-2017  14:03:19  SYS2070  PID 023a  TID 0001  Slot 00a4

Currently installed versions:

libc.i686                        0.6.6-32
openssl.i686                     1.0.2k-1.oc00
openssl-libs.i686                1.0.2k-1.oc00
zlib.i686                        1.2.11-2.oc00

OpenSSL is required for secure repository access in ANPM, therefore access to secure repos is currently unavailable.

#174 ataylor no change needed Weigh merits of (not) setting EMXSHELL by default.

My latest yum update of all packages caused EMXSHELL to be set in CONFIG.SYS (to sh.exe).

This caused my customary shell (YAOS) to, simply put, break horribly until I removed the setting.

I'm not certain what the practical purpose of this setting is, but apparently it replaces CMD as the command processor for programs launched by EMX applications. This seems like an extremely dangerous thing to do by default.

EMX-based applications are still widespread, and many users would be at a loss to fix breakage caused by this setting.

I would recommend that EMXSHELL not be defined by default (or at least not to anything other than CMD.EXE).

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