Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#37 dmik fixed git: Make version 2.1.0 work

Currently, an attempt to build the OS/2 trunk (dmik branch) updated to 2.1.0 succeeds but git clone of this version fails with the following message:

D:>git clone .
Cloning into '.'...
error: chmod on D:/Coding/git/test/.git/config.lock failed: Permission denied
error: chmod on D:/Coding/git/test/.git/config.lock failed: Permission denied
error: chmod on D:/Coding/git/test/.git/config.lock failed: Permission denied
error: chmod on D:/Coding/git/test/.git/config.lock failed: Permission denied
error: chmod on D:/Coding/git/test/.git/config.lock failed: Permission denied
fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

This doesn't happen with 2.0.0 so it must be an upstream change between 2.0.0 ad 2.1.0 (related to lock file handling, apparently).

#38 dmik fixed git: clone of big repo crashes

When trying to clone with the 2.0 branch after applying r861 and r862, I get the following crash:

SYS1808: out files:   4% (3240/76483)
The process has stopped.  The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is  0005.

It happens after successfully fetching all the repo data (and building the index) during checking out a working copy from the index.

#39 dmik fixed git: pull sometimes refuses to merge

I faced the following situation: I had a local copy of with the master branch up to date, the vendor-ear branch at the previous merge (17.0.5 to 24.3.0) and the remote vendor-esr branch was already updated from 24.3.0 to 24.8.0 (on another machine).

When I switch to that branch with git checkout vendor-esr locally, git correctly says that my local copy is 1 commit behind (this commit is the update to 24.8.0) and that it can be fast forwarded (i.e. have this commit applied w/on any possible conflicts).

However, when I do git pull (that first checks that remote changes are here with fetch and then calls merge to fast-forward), it fails with the following message:

error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:

And then comes the list of the new files brought by the commit being fast forwarded. A subsequent git status call shows that there are no changes except these new files.

This surely didn't happen when I fast forwarded other branches with the new build of git 2.0.0 (i.e. the master branch of the mozilla repo or my test repo I created for playing with git).

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