Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#24 dmik fixed autoconf / automake: apply patches by KOMH

There are fresh versions of autoconf and automake from KOMH:

We should update our repos and RPMs.

#26 dmik fixed ash: Import sources

We need to have a copy of ASH sources in ports so that we can fix OS/2 specific bugs in it.

#27 dmik fixed ash: Predefined macro $? gets wrong value

Given test.exe built using the following test.c

int main()
    return -1;

and the following script:

echo $?

the output of sh.exe (from RPM ash-0.0.0-10.oc00) will be


while it must be a positive number or 0. It may also return other garbage for other negative results (e.g. for the return value of 0xF00000 it will return -/0,(+)*).

This looks like unexpected behavior to me. I assume that such garbage will confuse many scripts. I faced it when trying to run ./configure of the m4 package.

This ticket depends on #26.

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