Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#18 dmik fixed unzip: Problems with unpacking symlinks

Unzip 6.00 which is currently in SVN has problems with unpacking symlinks. Steps to reproduce will follow.

#19 dmik fixed git: Apply patches by bauxite

komh maintains its own build of git here: These patches contain some important fixes: in particular, they fix cloning large repositories (where our RPM git fails) and "out of memory" when doing gc/repack.

Note that komh patches already contain sava patches that our SVN also contains but komh uses git source base.

#23 dmik fixed expat: Compile with GCC

I found that there is no up-to-date verson of the Expat XML parser library for OS/2. We need one. One of the use cases is the git http push function (very needed as many repositories are hosted though HTTP/HTTPS and we're moving to git slightly). See #19 for details.

It seems that the current Expat 2.1.0 CVS has some support for OS/2 already. At least, they claim that they support OS/2 when building with Watcom:

It should be easy to adopt the build to GCC.

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