Custom Query (204 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 204)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#9 Yuri Dario fixed clamav: ClamAV install Incomplete?


I tried to install ClamAV using yum: YUM INSTALL CLAMAV. Three files were downloaded:

clamav-0.96.4-2.oc00.i386.rpm clamav-data-0.96.4-2.oc00.i386.rpm clamav-lib-0.96.4-2.oc00.i386.rpm

and then extracted to various folders. No objects were created so it is hard to see how to use it. There is no clamd.exe to be found anywhere.

A quick look at shows there are other ClamAV files than the three above - aren't they supposed to be downloaded and installed also?

It seems the install of ClamAV is not completed using YUM...

Followup: This is only the ClamAV engine and command line scanner. To install freshclam, the -update package is needed. To install clamd, the -server package is required.

A new build is about to go into the experimental repo before night (I hope).

#10 Silvan Scherrer fixed freetype

integrate the freetype changes from mozilla team

#11 Silvan Scherrer Silvan Scherrer no change needed debug the writev()/readv() problem

in config.hpp i had to disable the #define TORRENT_READV 1 and #define TORRENT_WRITEV 1 because it did not work with that. this needs to be investigated some day

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