Custom Query (80 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 80)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#69 duplicate Memory allocation failure Anchieri

I have update using yum my Odin to version 0.821 after that most of my win32 program function normally but vary other program don't giving this pop up error windoow:

Memory allocation failure while loading D:\PROD\PGMODIN\WINZIP\WINZIP32.EXE

This is a old WinZip? 8.1 that I used many time before using the most valid new archive viewer now default in eCs2.x Other programs: CALC.EXE a former Ms Calculator and other.

#33 fixed Make wrc work in GAS mode dmik

Currently, wrc (wine resource compiper) is hard-hacked to produce the MASM code for resource data from the .rc file. This makes it impossible to compile the resulting assembly with GCC.

The hack is done by introducing a MASM define and a couple of ifdef. I'm going to make it proper by adding a corrsesponding command line switch that turns on MASM mode instead of the default GAS mode.

#82 fixed Make SEH work in OS/2 context dmik

The current implementation of SEH (__try/__except) requires Odin to force the Win32 TIB switch mode in which the FS register points to the Win32 thread information block instead of the OS/2 one.

This mode is the default in Odin if it runs a Win32 binary as this is what the binary expects and needs. But in cases when we build Win32 apps from sources there is actually no sense in maintaining this FS context switch from OS/2 to Win32 and back. Even if the Win32 application not only uses __try/__except but also accesses FS directly, it can always be tailored with #ifdef (we can access the Win32 TIB with GetThreadTEB() regardless of the real FS value).

Switching FS may even be dangerous in some cases and this especially relates to situations when Win32 code calls OS/2 code and vice versa: the called party may not expect a wrong context (if e.g. it does its own exception handling since this is what FS is used mostly for). In either case, maintaining the context switch is error-prone per se due its complexity (you may look at e.g. sehutil.s to see it).

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