Custom Query (80 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 80)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#81 fixed Missing static text in applications window mst

This app runs with an older Odin Build 2010-09-06: Dmitry A. Kuminov

Since 0.8.x releases the static text is missing. Only input fields are shown.

Size 1,5MB, no installation needed, start with "pe MicroRelease_March2010.exe"

#10 fixed Missing WinSock2 constants dmik

There is a bunch of constants (such as IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP) that were redefined by Microsoft in WinSock2 and have values incompatible with WinSock1. We miss these new defines in Odin headers and simply fall back to old ones.

While it seems to work at binary level (because the values for constants supplied to Odin by the application are taken from the real MS SDK when the application is built and get properly recognized by the new WinSock2 APIs in the Odin code), compiling applications at source level drags the old constants in while actually calling the new WinSock2 APIs and as a result these APIs get wrong parameters and return a failure.

#54 fixed Memory allocation failure Tellie

I downlaoded odin v0.8.1 and extract it, running a program with pe randomrunner.exe and then get a popup with Internal error while loading randomrunner.exe When i use v0.7.1 it runs ok

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