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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#8 RBRi guest fixed egpfaults with 2.19 beta

This application has crashed.

Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$00017F03 (Details logged to D:\var\log\NewView.log)

Close application?

If I selct No I can open some of the contents but others again give me this error. I am seeing this on the xwlan and genmac inf files. From the log:

App Version: V2.19.beta3 Components Version: v1.11.26 Library Version: V1.5.14

Running as process: D:\OS2\VIEW.EXE 15 November 2006, 16:30:21 Exception type: EGPFault Description: Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$00017F03 Location: $00017F03 Callstack:

$00017F03 $000B77D6 $000BBA0D $000BD32E $000EEEA2 $000EE354 $000EA4DF $000E67B5 $000E6753 $000A60EC $00049512 $00018501 $0003318C $000330AC $1FD457A8 $0003A494 $000396D9 $0003AF0D $0001032A $1FFEC183

System version:20.45.0

OS/2 4.5

RAM: 1534 MB Boot drive: D Video resolution: 1400x1050 Color depth: 32 bits Video driver: GRADD: SDDGRADD Loaded files (1): E:\DOWNLOAD\GEN200\inf\genmac.inf Last major topic index: 0 Top-level open windows: 1

App Version: V2.19.beta3 Components Version: v1.11.26 Library Version: V1.5.14

Running as process: D:\OS2\VIEW.EXE 15 November 2006, 16:30:26 Exception type: EGPFault Description: Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$00017F03 Location: $00017F03 Callstack:

$00017F03 $000B77D6 $000BBA0D $000BD32E $000EEEA2 $000EE354 $000EA4DF $000E67B5 $000E6753 $000A60EC $0004A263 $00018501 $0003318C $000330AC $1FD457A8 $0003A494 $000396D9 $0003AF0D $0001032A $1FFEC183

System version:20.45.0

OS/2 4.5

RAM: 1534 MB Boot drive: D Video resolution: 1400x1050 Color depth: 32 bits Video driver: GRADD: SDDGRADD Loaded files (1): E:\DOWNLOAD\GEN200\inf\genmac.inf Last major topic index: 0 Top-level open windows: 1

App Version: V2.19.beta3 Components Version: v1.11.26 Library Version: V1.5.14

Running as process: D:\OS2\VIEW.EXE 15 November 2006, 16:30:30 Exception type: EGPFault Description: Access violation exception (EGPFault) occured at CS:EIP =$0000005B:$000B77CE Location: $000B77CE Callstack:

$000B77CE $000BBA0D $000BD32E $000EEEA2 $000EE354 $000EF80A $000EF061 $000EE354 $000EA4DF $000E67B5 $000E6753 $000A60EC $00049512 $00018501 $0003318C $000330AC $1FD457A8 $0003A494 $000396D9 $0003AF0D $0001032A $1FFEC183

System version:20.45.0

OS/2 4.5

RAM: 1534 MB Boot drive: D Video resolution: 1400x1050 Color depth: 32 bits Video driver: GRADD: SDDGRADD Loaded files (1): E:\DOWNLOAD\GEN200\inf\genmac.inf Last major topic index: 1 Top-level open windows: 2

#10 RBRi cla fixed Newview doesn't pass quoted parameters to launched executables correctly

For links with reftype=launch the parameters within the attribute data are not handled correctly, if parameters are enclosed in double quotes.

I include a testcase to demo the filename case. Note that the IBM viewer does handle double quotes correctly. See further explanation in the testcase panel itself.

The testcase is compiled with HyperText?/2, you may want to download from hobbes for evaluation.

I would greatly appreciate if you could pass me an email to cla@… when the error is about to be fixed. I could implement a workaround in HyperText?/2, but that would not help for lots of old INFs being already around (BTW, this is why I would consider this being important, so the major prio). And it would not solve the basic problem, also affecting filenames and such.

#14 RBRi RBRi fixed Navigation panel not visible

For some applications F1 key opens NewView but the navigation panel is not visible.

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