Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#36 closed defect (fixed)

Realtek Driver 8169.0s2 won't run on Asus MB

Reported by: babydoc Owned by: David Azarewicz
Priority: Feedback Pending Component: r8169
Version: 0.2.1 Keywords: Realtek, Asus
Cc: Steven Levine


New Asus MB, M5A 78L-M LX Plus, has on board LAN chip, 10ECh/8168h, that will not run with driver 8168 0.2.1. Driver loads but cannot connect to LAN. (A plug in NIC with another chip does work.) I tried to see if this Realtec chip is supported by the driver, but I cannot interpret the series of versions as listed. Should this driver support this chip?

Attachments (7)

mr8169.ftf (61.6 KB ) - added by babydoc 12 years ago.
trace file for r8169-0.1.2 (mr8169.ftf0 (2.2 KB ) - added by babydoc 12 years ago. (112 bytes ) - added by babydoc 12 years ago. (2.2 KB ) - added by babydoc 12 years ago.
SYSLOG.ZIP (200.2 KB ) - added by babydoc 12 years ago.
new syslog from Megeia2
screen.JPG (91.2 KB ) - added by babydoc 12 years ago.
Trap screen of R8168 0.3.1
R8169.ftf (77.3 KB ) - added by babydoc 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (29)

by babydoc, 12 years ago

Attachment: mr8169.ftf added

trace file for r8169-0.1.2 (mr8169.ftf0

comment:1 by Steven Levine, 12 years ago

Cc: Steven Levine added

comment:2 by babydoc, 12 years ago

I loaded a Linux distro (Mageia 2, 64 bit), to my Computer and the installation found the Lan controller that will not run with the eCS driver, 8168 0.2.1,and ran well with it when using Firefox. Mageia saw the controller as Realtek 8111/8168B PCI Express Ethernet Controller.

comment:3 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Priority: majorFeedback Pending

I would like to see the /var/log/kern.log file from your Linux installation. If you can zip that and attach it to this ticket, that would be great.

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by babydoc, 12 years ago

Replying to dazarewicz:

I would like to see the /var/log/kern.log file from your Linux installation. If you can zip that and attach it to this ticket, that would be great.

I am a very new user of Linux so it took me some time to get the files from /var/log/kernel, but the six that were there are attached as a ZIP file. Remember that I also have a Realtek ethernet 100 MB controller plugged into the MB that uses the 8139 driver. I hope one of these files will help you.

by babydoc, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:5 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

There are only 2 files in and both are just error logs and are useless. I need either the install log or a boot log.

by babydoc, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

by babydoc, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:6 by babydoc, 12 years ago

I could not find an install.log, so i sent boot.log and system.log. The system log was too big to send so I cut all entries from Feb 17. I hope this info helps you.

comment:7 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

There is nothing about networking in the The syslog should be fine except that you have to actually put it into the zip file.

by babydoc, 12 years ago

Attachment: SYSLOG.ZIP added

new syslog from Megeia2

comment:8 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Thank you, that is the log I wanted.

Did you say that the 8168/8169/8111 hardware works with Linux, or not? According to the syslog, it is not working.

in reply to:  8 comment:9 by babydoc, 12 years ago

Replying to dazarewicz:

Thank you, that is the log I wanted.

Did you say that the 8168/8169/8111 hardware works with Linux, or not? According to the syslog, it is not working.

Yes, it works fine in Linux (Mageia2, 64 bit). Because it does not work in eCS I have another Realtek PCI card plugged in and I had that one connected to my router when I last installed and Linux.

comment:10 by babydoc, 12 years ago

I want to explain better what happened when I ran the R8169 driver on my MB with a Realtek LAN chip in eCS 2.1. I ran R8169 v.0.0.4, and then v.0.2.1. Firefox opened a page and then froze the computer, requiring a hard reboot. At first the cursor moved slowly in jerks for 2-3 moves, then everything froze. Thunderbird connected and downloaded 3 emails, then froze in the same manner. I hope this information is useful in debugging the problem.

Version 0, edited 12 years ago by babydoc (next)

by babydoc, 12 years ago

Attachment: screen.JPG added

Trap screen of R8168 0.3.1

comment:11 by babydoc, 12 years ago

Using build 0.3.1 of R8169 on my Asus MB gave a Trap D in boot. A picture of the trap screen is attached.

comment:12 by babydoc, 12 years ago

The output of RTLChipid.exe after unplugging the temporary R8139 card,

"Found Realtek NIC at bus 2:0:0: 10EC:8168 version 33 (RTL8168evl/8111evl)"

The MB is ASUS M5A 78L-M LX Plus. The instruction booklet says that the LAN has a Realtek RTL8111 PCIe Gigabit Controller.

comment:13 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Owner: changed from Martin Rosenfeld to David Azarewicz
Priority: Feedback Pendingmajor
Status: newaccepted

comment:14 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Priority: majorFeedback Pending

Please try the 0.3.1 version which was just released.

by babydoc, 12 years ago

Attachment: R8169.ftf added

comment:15 by babydoc, 12 years ago

The 5/16/2013 ver 0.3.1 of R8169.OS2 does not work on this Asus MB with Realtek chip. Firefox cannot connect to the page and I cannot load router setup at Here is trace file.

comment:16 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

  1. The 0.3.1 R8169 was release on 17-May-2013, not 16-May-2013. Get the current install package from the BetaZone.
  1. The older driver can put the hardware into a bad state. Make sure you completely power off your system and remove the power plug for at least 30 seconds to reset the hardware.

comment:17 by rbri, 12 years ago

Hi David,

i'm using the same MB and had faced the same problems with the old driver.
Have downloaded the new one yesterday and it seem to work here.
No problems so far.

Many thanks


comment:18 by babydoc, 12 years ago

David, Thanks for the great effort you have put into this project.

I download R8169.OS2 (0.3.1, 55,968 bytes)from the Mensys Betazone, which appears to be the same file I had tried yesterday from the eComstation Betazone. I let the MB sit without any power after it had run with no LAN driver and after I had installed the new driver. I turned the LAN chip off and on a few times in BIOS, as well as its boot ROM. It ran well from Linux on the same MB. It still does not work (FF cannot connect, I cannot ping my router). Have you got a utility that willslap the LAN chip upside its electronic head to clear its senses, or that can read its firmware to let you see if it is different from others of its kind? By the way, I tried all the various parameters in the protocol.ini to no avail.

in reply to:  17 comment:19 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Replying to rbri:

Hi David,

i'm using the same MB and had faced the same problems with the old driver.
Have downloaded the new one yesterday and it seem to work here.
No problems so far.

Many thanks


Thanks for the feedback. I also have the same motherboard. It is what I used to do the debugging on.

in reply to:  18 comment:20 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Replying to babydoc:

David, Thanks for the great effort you have put into this project.

I download R8169.OS2 (0.3.1, 55,968 bytes)from the Mensys Betazone, which appears to be the same file I had tried yesterday from the eComstation Betazone. I let the MB sit without any power after it had run with no LAN driver and after I had installed the new driver. I turned the LAN chip off and on a few times in BIOS, as well as its boot ROM. It ran well from Linux on the same MB. It still does not work (FF cannot connect, I cannot ping my router). Have you got a utility that willslap the LAN chip upside its electronic head to clear its senses, or that can read its firmware to let you see if it is different from others of its kind? By the way, I tried all the various parameters in the protocol.ini to no avail.

Ok. I guess you have the correct warpin file. I suggest you re-run the R8169 warpin installer and reinstall the retail version. It does no harm to do this again as it only overwrites the existing files. Then use MPTS to uninstall and re-install the R8169 driver using only the defaults. Don't edit the PROTOCOL.INI or change anything that the MPTS does. Then reboot and see if it works. Your hardware has already been proven to work with this driver by several other people.

You can still do the above, but on second thought, the driver could be working just fine and it could be your TCPIP setup that is broken. I don't know how your setup is configured but it is acting like you don't have a default route setup.

comment:21 by babydoc, 12 years ago

David, Thanks for the suggestion about the TCPIP setup. My temporary plug in LAN card was on route 0 and I could not even get tcpcfg2.cmd to set up route 1. I used MPTS to remove the driver for the plug in card and then the on board Realtek LAN chip worked with your updated driver. Thank you very much for solving this problem for me and all the others. I supose we should close this ticket as solved.

comment:22 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed
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