Opened 18 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#81 closed enhancement (fixed)

CUA compliancy

Reported by: joachim@… Owned by: Silvan Scherrer
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.3
Component: Lucide Core Version:
Keywords: CUA Cc:


Lucide should follow CUA guidelines for menu structure (and layout) as good as possible. Apparently there are some improvements possible (will report later).

An example app for eCS applications layout can be found at:

Change History (7)

comment:1 by jojo, 18 years ago

More details from reporter:

During translation of Lucide Beta 2 the following main menus were found:

File, Edit, Document, View, Window en Help.

It contains the expected submenus beneath them.

However, beta 3 has listed the menuitem "Document" first, and lacks "File". Under document you can find the submenu "File". This has been reported already in a direct message to the developer.

Since Lucide is a universal viewer, the lack of the "File" option is annoying, because not every file is a document, but could (theoratically) be opened, like a graphic image.

The first menu option should be "file" according to the CUA.

In beta 2 the mainmenu was correct, however, the submenus were not. Now, in beta 3, the mainmenu is incorrect and the submenus are 'better'.

comment:2 by ktk, 18 years ago

Milestone: Beta 4

The Document/File thing we changed after doing it CUA compilant with Bart. Please discuss that with him and tell us on what you agreed on :-)

comment:3 by ktk, 17 years ago

Milestone: Beta 41.3
Version: 1.0 Beta 3

comment:4 by Silvan Scherrer, 15 years ago

Owner: changed from Eugene Romanenko to Silvan Scherrer

is there still a CUA issue? please report as soon as possible. if i recieve no report about whats still wrong within 10 days i close this defect.

comment:5 by jojo, 15 years ago

It looks like the menu structure is now correct, at least compared to the earlier versions. There is still some discrepancy between the example-app and Lucide, but this makes sense due to the nature of the options.

It might be worth moving the 'options' from the 'edit' menu to the menu bar and have the menuoptions listed under there instead of a seperate settings notebook, see ae.exe. But this is nitpicking really.

comment:6 by Silvan Scherrer, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

in my opinion it's not worth the effort. as i have some other apps which do it exactly the same. so closing the ticket

comment:7 by jojo, 15 years ago

As I said, this is fine.

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