Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#267 closed enhancement (fixed)

Make thumbnails optional

Reported by: Lewis Rosenthal Owned by: Gregg Young
Priority: Feedback Pending Milestone: 1.4.0
Component: Backend Version: 1.3.5
Keywords: Cc: ataylor


Not everyone wants or needs thumbnails. We should add an option in the Settings dialog to enable thumbnail creation. I still don't think that we should create thumbnails for encrypted PDFs, no matter what, but for unencrypted documents, we should provide an option.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by Lewis Rosenthal, 9 years ago

Summary: Make thumbnails optionslMake thumbnails optional

comment:2 by Gregg Young, 9 years ago

Owner: set to Gregg Young
Status: newassigned

This could be done in loadThread lucide.cpp line ~487. Do we want this in settings or on the print dialog?

comment:3 by Lewis Rosenthal, 9 years ago

My vote would be for Settings, where we set other defaults, however, we may want to override this setting on a per-document basis.

I would add an override, perhaps, on the Document menu, and a toolbar icon would provide visual feedback as to whether thumbnail creation was enabled for the document or not. Clicking that would toggle the per-document setting.

This may also impact how we handle #263.

comment:4 by Gregg Young, 9 years ago

I actually prefer the file open dialog which is what I meant to say in my first comment. It would be remembered between open dialog uses but would be right there to remind someone to change it just before loading a file which is when the thumbnail is created. If my assumption that all encrypted files have passwords is correct it will have no impact on #263

comment:5 by Lewis Rosenthal, 9 years ago

So what happens when we use Document | Next/Previous or Document | Recent files or just Shift-PgUp/Dn? What if we don't really want thumbnails, but speeding through gets us one (or a directory full), simply because we toggled it on for something else?

In practice, I like the thumbnails, just not for encrypted PDFs, so I would likely leave it on, as long as I know that encrypted PDFs will never generate them.

I hadn't thought about the FOC, because I don't use it all that often. I either drag/drop to the Lucide object or PgUp/PgDn or pick from recent files.

comment:6 by Gregg Young, 9 years ago

I will put it in settings. I can put a checkbox in the FOC to override it on a one time basis.

comment:7 by Lewis Rosenthal, 9 years ago

That makes sense to me.

At some point (geez, talk about feature creep!), we might want to consider a thumbnail removal option (the FOC would be the place for that, I imagine), however that is currently beyond the scope of this RFE.

comment:8 by Gregg Young, 8 years ago

Priority: minorFeedback Pending

I need feedback on the way I setup the dialogs for this. It all works but I am not sure the way it works is clear from the dialogs.

comment:9 by Lewis Rosenthal, 8 years ago

Cc: ataylor added

[cc'ing Alex, as I trust his judgment more than I do mine, and I don't want to make more work here than necessary.]

The Settings dialog should be easy:

|                        +-------------------+-+ |
| Default Page Layout    | Single page       |V| |
|                        +-------------------+-+ |
|                        +-------------------+-+ |
| Default Zoom           | Fit width         |V| |
|                        +-------------------+-+ |
|                        ++                      |
| Create Thumbnails      ++                      |

(with a checkbox).

Proposal #1 for FOC override might be:

|           +-----------------------------------------------------------------+         |
| Filename  |                                                                 |         |
|           +-----------------------------------------------------------------+         |
|           +---------------+-+              +------------------------------+-+         |
| Drive     |C: [OS2BOOT]   |V|  File Type   |<All supported types>         |V|         |
|           +---------------+-+              +------------------------------+-+         |
|                                                                                       |
| Directory                   File                                                      |
|+-----------------------+-+  +-------------------------+  +-------------------------+  |
||                       |^|  |                       |^|  |                         |  |
||                       |-|  |                       |-|  |                         |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |                         |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |                         |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |                         |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |                         |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |  No preview available   |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |                         |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |                         |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |                         |  |
||                       | |  |                       | |  |                         |  |
||                       |-|  |                       |-|  |                         |  |
||                       |v|  |                       |v|  |                         |  |
|+-----------------------+-+  +-------------------------+  |                         |  |
||<|                     |>|  |<|                     |>|  |                         |  |
|+-----------------------+-+  +-------------------------+  |                         |  |
|                                                          |                         |  |
|+----------+ +----------+  Thumbnails are off             |                         |  |
||    OK    | |  Cancel  |  Override? <>                   +-------------------------+  |
|+----------+ +----------+                                                              |

I'm not clear on how much work conditional text is in this dialog. In the above proposal, "off" would change to "on" and the override would reset the next time the Open file dialog is called. A radio button works best here, and not a checkbox, I think.

comment:10 by Gregg Young, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

CS [563]

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